تدوين- إصدارات
يصدر قريبا عن "Inner child Press" الترجمة الانجليزية لكتاب "الجراح تدل علينا" لكاتبه زياد خداش، ترجمه الفنان والباحث المتخصص في التعريب فائق عويس.
وكان الكاتب زياد خداش قد أعلن قبل أيام عن اقتراب موعد إصدار مجموعته القصصية الجديدة "الجراح تدل علينا" عن دار المتسوط.

وفيما يلي القصة الأولى من المجموعة المترجمة إلى الإنجليزية بعنوان "رجل غريب":
“Why do strange men linger all the time in front of our house? Their gazes shifting between our balcony and the photographs held tight in their hands? They are always accompanied by children, and with tears in their eyes!” The four-year-old Jewish granddaughter asked her grandmother.
“These are non-Jewish thieves trying to steal your grandfather's car, my love. I will call the police, as I always do.”
In a Jewish elementary school in the “Talibiya Neighborhood” in Jerusalem, the art teacher asked the students to draw scenes from what they observe from the home’s windows.
The teacher called the granddaughter into her office and said to her, smiling with love and admiration: Explain to me why your painting appears so beautiful and exotic:
“These men, children, and women are non-Jewish thieves lingering in front of our house, gazing at the balconies of our homes. They always hold photographs in their hands, and tears welling up in their eyes. They are constantly trying to steal my grandfather's car, which he hides on the balcony.”